Frequently asked questions
Here you will find a collection of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with the corresponding answers.
If you can not find the answer to your question, please contact us.
What does edible Gold means?
Gold leaf from GOLDMARIE is food-safe to consume due to controlled quality. This is documented and confirmed by our own quality controls as well as by external examinations.
Which gold is suitable for consumption?
GOLDMARIE products are available in 22 carat and 23 carat. This quality product line is manufactured in-house and under strict hygienic conditions.
Which quantity is suitable for consumption?
A quantity is not required by EU regulation. Edible gold and silver is not a classical food and can only be processed for decorative purposes. Therefore, it should be limited to a reasonable use.

What means E175 and E174?
E stands for Europe. The E-number is a European characterization that refers to health safety and EU-wide binding, detailed purity requirements. E100 – E199 denote colourants.
E175 Gold Leaf and E174 Silver Leaf.
Is Gold Leaf vegan?
Yes! GOLDMARIE products are free of animal products. All production aids are free of animal products. We want to point out the fact, that no animal tests have been carried out or commissioned any animal tests on the product.
Is Gold Leaf suitable for allergy sufferers?
If you suffer from allergies, we recommend that you consult a doctor befor eating or generally refrain from eating our gold or silver products.
Does Gold Leaf has an expiration date?
As a precaution, a best before date is given, however, a date of use for gold leaf is not given and can generally be consumed well beyond the BBD.
How can I handle it?
Loose gold or silver in leaf, can be processed with a brush. Simply electrostatically charge the hair of the brush on the skin and pick up gold / silver.
What does Gold taste like?
Gold Leaf or Silver Leaf is tasteless. GOLDMARIE products are only for decorating of food and beverage. They are only a visual highlight.

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